Clinical Negligence

Child experiences delay in being admitted for surgery, injury during surgery and then delay in diagnosis of surgical injury

Jonathan Herbert, specialist clinical negligence lawyer acting for the claimant, successfully obtained a court approved settlement to compensate the claimant for his pain and suffering and his parent’s financial losses following a harrowing hospital experience.

When aged 9 Master C his appendix removed.  Approximately five months later when visiting relatives in Yorkshire he became unwell with what was subsequently confirmed to be non negligent complication of his appendectomy, namely adhesions resulting in bowel obstruction.  Four days after being admitted to Airedale Hospital, Master C underwent surgery but unfortunately suffered a bowel perforation during the operation.  Master C’s condition deteriorated significantly afterwards and he was transferred to a different hospital for further surgery.  This took place five days after the previous one.

Master C suffered severe deterioration in his health, additional surgical scarring, a loss of 15cms of bowel with the risk of future adhesions together with a cluster of psychological symptoms including post traumatic stress disorder.

It was Master C’s case that the bowel perforation was caused negligently during surgery there but that was denied.  The defendant, however, admitted an initial delay in diagnosing the obstruction and a post operative delay in investigating symptoms before it was accepted that the claimant required further surgery at which he was transferred for further treatment.

Jonathan Herbert specialises in negligent surgery cases.  If you would like to ask Jonathan a question about a potential case, or if you have a general query about any personal injury, contact Jonathan at Thomson Snell & Passmore solicitors on 01892 701226 in confidence. We offer no win no fee agreements on the vast majority of our clinical negligence and personal injury cases.

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