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Spinal fracture following rear end shunt by lorry

Mr K was travelling on the A2 near Gravesend, Kent when he was struck by a lorry from behind.  His car spun off the road, crashing into a road sign, through some bushes and into a fence.

He was taken by ambulance to Medway Hospital where he was diagnosed with a fracture to his spine at T5.  This was managed conservatively with a back brace and after four months later he underwent physiotherapy.

Mr K was unable to return to work for 10 months because of his ongoing pain and restricted movement.  This caused him considerable financial worry and anxiety; he was prescribed with anti-depressants as a result.  When he did return to work be continued to take regular pain relief medication and continued to struggle with anxiety.

Mr K instructed Jennifer Hawkes, specialist personal injury lawyer, who obtained his medical records and instructed an orthopaedic and spinal surgeon to report.  A case manager was put in place to manage Mr K’s care needs and to manage payment of his various treatments.

Jennifer Hawkes was able to obtain interim payments to help the claimant who suffered financial hardship as a result of his time off work.  She was able to negotiate a final out-of-court settlement of £59,000 to compensate Mr K for his pain and suffering and to pay for his future care needs.

If you would like to ask Jennifer a question about a potential case, or if you have a general query about any personal injury, contact Jennifer at Thomson Snell & Passmore solicitors on 01892 701374 in confidence. We offer no win no fee agreements on the vast majority of our clinical negligence and personal injury cases.

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