

  1. We try to resolve complaints quickly and directly with you. If you have a complaint, please contact the person you are dealing with at the firm and provide them with full details of the issues you would like us to consider. Please click here for a copy of our client’s complaints procedure. If you require a hard copy then we can provide one on request
  2. If we cannot resolve a complaint, the SRA and the Legal Ombudsman provide resolution services for certain types of complaint. Please note that complaints to be processed by the Legal Ombudsman should normally be made within six months of receiving a final written response from us about your complaint.
  3. For details on how to contact the Legal Ombudsman or the SRA please refer to the attached complaints procedure or visit their website using the above links.
  4. We will deal with complaints from third parties in a similar manner to our client process. A third party is any person, including solicitors, who are not a client of the firm. Escalation to the Legal Ombudsman may not be applicable in all third party complaints and we can advise you at the time you raise a complaint. Please note our duty of confidentiality to our clients will remain of the upmost importance.
  5. In order to deal effectively with your complaint, we will process your data in accordance with our Privacy Notice.