Protecting & passing on wealth

Thomson Snell & Passmore’s Trust Corporation steps in as independent administrators to secure progress administering estate

The Deceased died in 2016. Years passed and yet the executor (the person named in the Will to administer the estate) failed to make any progress.

The beneficiaries made multiple attempts to contact the executor, but the executor would not take any action to progress administration. At every attempt, the beneficiaries were met with radio silence.

The beneficiaries sought legal advice and subsequently this firm’s Trust Corporation was appointed by the court to step-in as independent administrator. This meant that Thomson Snell & Passmore could take the Trust Corporation’s instructions to finally administer the estate, in accordance with the Will.

Since a long time had passed, there were difficulties securing information on the estate. This was not helped by the original executor who ignored all information requests and refused to divulge any information they had collected.

Despite the difficulties faced the Trust Corporation was still able to step-in and take a pragmatic approach to administration. The estate assets were identified, the grant was obtained and the assets were then subsequently distributed; providing the beneficiaries with the closure they desperately needed.

Thomson Snell & Passmore’s Trust Corporation has specialist knowledge acting as an independent administrator.

Appointing an independent administrator can be invaluable when, for example, an executor is unwilling, unable or unsuitable to act. Alternatively, an independent administrator might be required where the executors are in disagreement with each other and this in turn is causing delays to the Administration. Another circumstance where an independent administrator could be required is when the executor named within the Will has predeceased.

An independent administrator acts as an impartial party to ensure the estate is administered fairly and in accordance with best practice. They will have specialist knowledge and experience to administer the estate, often in situations where emotions are running high between the parties.

If you are involved in a similar situation, our dedicated team would be pleased to assist.

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