Real estate

Chatham Maritime Trust

Chatham Maritime Trust (‘CMT’) manages and maintains the 350 acre Chatham Maritime Estate , one of the largest urban regeneration schemes in the country, including its public parks and play areas; flood defences and riverside walks; bridges, roadways, cycleways and footpaths; public art and monuments.

We provide property acquisition, disposal and management advice in respect of the Estate.   This notably includes freehold acquisition of infrastructure land from the Homes and Communities Agency (‘HCA’), the freehold acquisition of the commercial sectors once developed out by HCA’s development partners and sold off on long leases and the acquisition of rent charges over the residential sectors once developed out by HCA’s development partners and the units sold off.

We also deal with surrender-and-regrants and variations of those commercial long leases, licences to assign/underlet/alter required under those commercial long leases, easement and wayleave advice, and strategic advice relating to the management of the Estate generally.  We also advise CMT in relation to rent charge and service charge disputes and in relation to commercial contracts, planning and governance matters.

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