
Compensation achieved for patient who suffered stroke after surgeon failed to recommence Warfarin medication

George Liley, specialist clinical negligence lawyer, successfully settled a complex case for an elderly client who had suffered a severe stroke after his treating surgeon failed to recommence his anticoagulation medication following his surgery.

The injured claimant did not have capacity (they were no longer able to make decisions for themselves), therefore his son acted as Litigation Friend throughout the case.

The elderly claimant had suffered a catastrophic stroke after his treating surgeon failed to recommence his Warfarin (an anticoagulant medication), following hernia repair surgery.

Prior to his surgery, the claimant took Warfarin, an anticoagulation medication, to treat his persistent atrial fibrillation (a heart condition). The defendant surgeon sought advice from a cardiologist, who advised that the claimant should stop taking his Warfarin for five days prior to the hernia operation, but the medication should be restarted ‘as soon as haemostasis is restored’.

After the surgery, there was no further anticoagulant strategy and no mention by the surgeon of restarting the claimant’s Warfarin.

The claimant developed a small haematoma and the defendant surgeon did not recommence his Warfarin.

Shortly afterwards, the claimant suffered a catastrophic ischaemic stroke. As a result, he suffered significantly reduced mobility, vision loss, cognitive impairment and required assistance with all aspects of personal care day to day.

George instructed experts in general surgery, cardiology, haematology and neuropsychiatry to establish the claim.

The defendant denied liability in full, however George successfully settled the claim for a six figure sum.

George Liley specialises in clinical negligence cases. If you would like to ask George a question about a potential case, or if you have a general query about any clinical negligence matter, contact George at Thomson Snell & Passmore solicitors on 01892 701154 in confidence. We offer no win no fee agreements on the vast majority of our clinical negligence and personal injury cases.


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