Thomson Snell & Passmore’s portfolio asset management team provides property acquisition and management advice to CMT in respect of the Estate. This includes freehold acquisition of infrastructure land from the Homes and Communities Agency (‘HCA’), the freehold acquisition of the commercial sectors once developed out by HCA’s development partners and sold off on long leases, and the acquisition of rent charges over the residential sectors once developed out by HCA’s development partners and the units sold off. It also includes dealing with applications for CMT’s consent to assign/underlet/alter required under those commercial long leases, providing easement and wayleave advice, and providing strategic advice relating to the management of the Estate generally.
In CMT’s own words:
- [Since] the Trust took on the responsibility of maintaining Leviathan Way…[t]he Trust’s team of contractors….have been working hard and already there is a big improvement. The team have also been working on the landscaped verges along Island Way East and Island Way West which recently transferred to the Trust. The area is looking so much better with positive comments being received from many residents. The initial work on the verges along the ring road will take some months to be completed. After that [the Trust’s team of contractors] can start looking at additional planting and restructuring to improve and raise the profile of the landscaped areas. The landscaping on St Mary’s Island is a key part of what makes the Island great. The Trust [is] pleased to take over another significant part to maintain to a high standard. Thomson Snell & Passmore acted on the transfers of this infrastructure land from HCA.
- The walkway between Basin 1 and Basin 2 has been reopened….having been closed for several years. It provides a safe and more direct route for St Mary’s Island residents to access the rest of [the Estate]….and rests on the top of the old Caisson owned by Peel Ports. [The] Chairman of St Mary’s Island Residents Association said “I want to express my particular thanks to Chatham Maritime Trust, who headed up the protracted negotiations with Peel Ports in securing the licence that made this possible”. Thomson Snell & Passmore acted on the licence acquisition from Peel Ports.
- Following a three-month refurbishment and expansion project….costing £1.2 million, the Ship & Trades [pub has been] officially re-opened. The programme of works included a new glass extension creating additional seating and dining space, en-suite rooms added to the first floor, two waterfront balconies with great views over the marina….The outside area was also improved to include new undercover seating with heaters…20 new jobs on site. Thomson Snell & Passmore acted on the licence for alterations granted to Shepherd Neame.
Our portfolio asset management team is proud to play its part in such matters. Other Thomson Snell & Passmore teams also advise CMT in relation to rent charge and service charge disputes, construction issues, commercial contracts and employment matters.