Protecting & passing on wealth

Thomson Snell & Passmore assists with removal of a caveat to allow administration of the estate to begin

Our client was one of 12 beneficiaries of their late father’s £600,000 estate, the administration of which (including the sale of a property) was prevented by a surprise caveat lodged by another beneficiary. Upon sight of a letter originally sent by the caveator to the Executors in July 2020, we were able to contact the caveator in February 2021 to comprehensively address each of the concerns noted in their letter and highlight that none of these was a valid reason to register a caveat against the estate. Our letter also set out that a caveat registered improperly risks leaving the caveator liable for costs incurred in its removal and that any delay to the administration of the estate risked a deterioration in the property and, therefore, in the value each beneficiary can expect to receive.

Although no further correspondence was received form the caveator, the caveat was subsequently and promptly withdrawn the month following our letter and the administration of the estate allowed to commence.

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