A. If you were married or unmarried but your former partner has parental responsibility, then unless there is an old style residence order in place, in your favour, or a ‘lives with order’ in place, you can’t take the children aboard or out of the jurisdiction of England and Wales without his/her consent. If there is residence order or lives with order in place then you can take the children abroad without the other parent’s consent for up to 28 days. Without it you would always need their consent. You should also, because they have parental responsibility provide details of where you are going, including flights and travel itinernary and contact details for whilst you are away. It is sensible to get their consent to you travelling abroad in writing so there can be no misunderstandings.
A. Some countries, generally those outside of the EU will require other documents. Some countries such as America and Canada require a letter from the other parent, who is not travelling, confirming that they have provided their consent. Other countries such as South Africa require a sworn affidavit if you are travelling without the other parent. This list is not comprehensive and you should check the relevant travel information for the country you are travelling to and leave plenty of time to obtain the necessary documents.
A. If the other parent will not provide their consent, you can make an application to the court for a specific issue order. A judge can order that you are able to take the children to a specific destination by overriding the other parent. In most cases, unless the intended journey is going to place the children at risk of harm or is very disruptive to the time the children spend with the other parent, a court is unlikely to refuse a holiday which is in most cases in the best interests of the children. For that reason it is usually the case that the threat of such an application would cause the other parent to consider things more reasonably. This is written with the caveat that every case is based on the specific facts of the case.
A. Providing the children are due to be with you at that time and there isn’t a court order in place stating that the children should be with the other parent then you can take them on holiday within England or Wales. The only difficulty would be if the other parent considered the trip to be likely to pose a risk of harm in some way to the children or not in their best interests, they could threaten to make an application to the court, but they would have to have a very good reason. You certainly wouldn’t need their permission in the way you would to go abroad. It is always good practice to give notice and details of where the children will be in advance.