The Court of Protection & deputies

Deputyship client acquired mental capacity

Our client suffered a severe brain injury at just a few months old, as the victim of a criminal attack. Over the many years Brian Bacon were appointed as deputies, our client made significant improvements.

The CICA made a significant lump sum payment in 2012 and although our client then lacked capacity to manage his affairs, his  capacity improved sufficiently that he was able to find work in an estate agency. Last year our client asked us to consider his longstanding wish to set up his own business with his brother. Our employment and commercial departments proved invaluable in facilitating this process.

Happily, following receipt of updated medical evidence confirming he had acquired capacity to manage his damages award, and an application to the Court, our client has recently been discharged from the jurisdiction of the Court of Protection. He has now settled his remaining damages award in to a Personal Injury trust with the firm’s Trust Corporation acting as the trustee. Our client recognises that he remains vulnerable, and has asked for our on-going involvement so we can continue to provide him with advice, guidance and support going forward.

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