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Help with pregnancy negligence claims
If you suffered an obstetrics injury during pregnancy or childbirth and think it was caused by medical negligence, you may be able to make a compensation claim. We have in-depth experience with obstetrics claims.
Contact one of our specialist lawyers for a free initial consultation to find out if we can investigate your case with the financial security of a ‘no win no fee’ agreement.
Compensation claims for obstetrics
Obstetric injuries can occur as a result of mismanagement of fertility treatment, pregnancy or as a result of a number of different failures during labour and delivery. Medical negligence during childbirth can leave you feeling both physical and psychological pain at a time when you should be celebrating the birth of your child. It can also lead to ongoing problems.
Our overriding aim is to protect your interests and achieve the most advantageous outcome for the long term. We make sure your case is fully investigated and guide you carefully through each step of the claim process. Giving personal service and acting with sensitivity are important to us.
Common types of claim involving obstetric negligence include:
- Mismanagement of high risk pregnancy
- Misinterpretation of scans during pregnancy or labour
- Inappropriate management of labour or delivery
- Delay in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy
- Inappropriate methods of delivery
- Perineal tears (including negligent episiotomy)
- Retained products of conception
- Nervous shock following traumatic births
- Post-natal mismanagement
- Birth injury.
What will happen when I make a pregnancy related negligence claim?
After contacting Thomson Snell & Passmore we will arrange a free initial consultation to discuss whether there is a legal claim and what funding options are available. We usually act on a ‘no win no fee’ agreement.
We will undertake a forensic investigation into the management or treatment you received in hospital or from the midwives, using your account of what happened, and your medical records and radiological imaging. Medical experts (usually consultant obstetricians and/or senior midwives) may be involved at an early stage to consider the treatment and management you received, and to advise us on the standards of care that should have been provided, and the outcome that would have been achieved with appropriate treatment.
Following this initial investigation we can then advise you on the strength of your case, and give detailed advice on the next steps, which usually starts with preparing a formal letter of allegations to the relevant defendant.
How our clinical negligence solicitors can help with a pregnancy related compensation claim
We have one of the longest established and experienced clinical negligence teams in the country. Our medical negligence lawyers have a reputation for winning complex medical negligence cases and we have helped thousands of people claim compensation. The size of our clinical negligence team, and our breadth of our knowledge, means we are likely to have already succeeded in recovering compensation for a pregnancy related clinical negligence claim that is similar in nature to yours.
- Our overriding aim is to protect your interests and achieve the most advantageous outcome for the long term
- We will make sure your case is fully investigated
- We will focus on your individual requirements. Giving a personal service and acting with sensitivity are important to us
- We will create a team of specialist independent medical experts and a barrister with expertise in dealing with cases similar to your case
- We will make things as easy as possible and guide you through each stage of the process
- We can help you find out why the hospital or midwives failed you and ensure that the same thing does not happen to somebody else.
Our accreditations
Our team has long been recognised and highly ranked by two of the most prestigious, independent guides to the legal profession ‘Chambers UK’ and ‘The Legal 500’.
We are also members of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers and affiliated to Action against Medical Accidents.
A number of your team members have individual accreditations and recognition in the legal directories which you can view on their profiles.
Free initial consultation
Contact one of our team of specialist clinical negligence lawyers for a free, no obligation consultation. We will listen to the circumstances of your medical treatment and give you clear advice on the chances of your receiving compensation in a clinical negligence claim. If we think you have a claim, we can investigate your case using the financial security of a ‘no win no fee’ agreement.
Call us or fill in our short enquiry form and we will assess your potential claim.
We are highly ranked by two of the most prestigious, independent guides to the legal profession ‘Chambers UK’ and ‘The Legal 500’.